Free Mobile Recharge Online Game


How to get free mobile recharge online games or i say that earn free mobile recharge and play games a lot get a lot of money,money and money!!!.In this article we are going to discuss all the scam apps in india.Seriously free recharges !!You should not play these kinds of apps rather then you should read some book on programming,digital marketing,SEO(Search Engine Optimization) etc.These apps only need your precious data and they will share it to advertisers who pay to these app owners.My suggestion to teenager is to start a youtube channel or a blog and then monetize it through google adsense and then hard work on it to earn money.

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Earn Money App Scam:-

Now before we move into it I have only

one thing to tell you

about these scam apps, that is do not play games on it!!

It is the biggest scam app I have ever seen!!

Here are the reasons for it:-

  1. It never pays you for anything,that is even though you played a lot and believed as it is a truth that they pay for playing games but in real sense they don’t care whether you win or lose they won’t pay you.This is the sad reality if you are a small kid or a teenager then never ever look at this apps,I strongly recommend you to work hard to earn money and don't waste your precious time in this apps rather than read some book related to technology,digital marketing etc.
  2. Whatever you pay for investment gets lost-that is whenever you try to play on these apps,it works fine but when you invest real money on it,it shows the server down!! Even if you have a very powerful internet connection,and makes you lose the game and take out your money.
  3. Fake audience and players-Now after all you know the truth,but still you see a lot of players are playing on these apps tournament as seen in the app,but wait a minute do you think they are real players?Absolutely not! They are bots created for showcasing to the audience and gaining their trust!
  4. NO skill only Gambling-These apps showcase that it is a skill based app but not it is not a skill based app it just Gambling!!!It is better to work with your own website or on your own youtube channel and then monetize it through google adsense.Or you can simply create a blog website and start investing your time on it,there are thousands of way you can create your own personal blog for absolutely free of cost,and then take an google adsense approval for it
  5. Once Invested Say Tata to Your Money-If you by chance invested on these apps then you lose and if you feel that it sucks then you try to recover it.
  6. And if you are stuck with covid-19 caller tune too like these apps then check how to remove that caller tune from mobile.
  7. Do not hesitate in this games only hard work will give you success!!The quicker you understand the faster you will be successfull.
Final Words-

“Do not try these apps!! Serious Warning!!.Check out my last post:-here
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